Or Spalato as the Italians call it for reasons known only to them! I crossed from Rome to Pescara again avoiding the highway! Saved myself 13 Euros!!! This road was amazing though. I only wish I had my Hornet with me instead of the Transalp. I did about 160 miles in about 4 hours. Yes thats an average of 40mph. and this is why:

I teamed up with an Italian rider who knew the roads better and we took it in turns finding the best lines through corners and watching for oncoming traffic. It is far easier to follow than lead but leading is far more tiring as you have to move about on the bike more and pick lines with the best view of the road ahead. As you can see in the picture there are 3 hairpin corners within 1K of each other. It would not surprise me if there were quite a few biker deaths on that road each year!
Pescara is a really crappy town. It is a self styled beach town. The beaches are lovely but they are ruined by thousands of Italian tourists. You don't actually walk on the sand, just hop from sunbed to sunbed trying not to step on the people sitting on them. The road running from north to south along the town is basically: hotel, hotel, restaurant, hotel, bar, hotel, restaurant, petrol station, bar..... rinse and repeat for about 5 miles. Don't go unless you only like sunbathing and soggy pizza.
Still no way of uploading photos! You remember how long it took me with West Wales? I should be able to put some up tomorrow as someone is lending me her laptop. Did Barry's facebook page get setup btw?
Hey, good to see some photos!!
I agree, it's about time the tower in Pisa came down!!
Keep have having fun, where are you off to next?!
In Sarejevo now. it is a very cramped city. Going to go on a tour of the old war tunnels tomorrow.
Sorry I didnt call in on you on the way out of the UK. Things got a bit hectic. Actually, the whole trip has been a bit hectic. Sometimes I am lazing around doing nothing and sometimes I am breaking all known landspeed records trying to make it to a port on time or before a hostel closes for the night.
I will call in on the way back through if you can wait that long! ;-)
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